BLM v. Nicholas Kristachis
This is indeed one of the most beautiful, most amazing videos I’ve ever seen in my life.
BLM keeps an eye on who’s hired & fired in the Ivy League and in this video, an incredibly smart and beautiful woman of color is basically deconstructing and psychoanalyzing an old and corrupt white guy — and he has to take it without saying anything, nodding like a complete moron.
The transcript of this interaction is provided below.
It is very important to understand that everyone at Yale supports BLM, and by that I mean every single soul. About 20-30,000 people support BLM: all the students and teaching personnel, all the staff, all the admins, etc. Most people identify with BLM, and many are either directly or indirectly affiliated with BLM.
BLM is very powerful at Yale and they keep an eye on what’s going on because they want, and clearly deserve, accountability and social justice.
Look at this amazing interaction, e.g. “I do not respect you — it’s sickening to look at you — you are disgusting!”
Wow, she even cusses in the right place, showing deep knowledge of sociolinguistics.
Kristachis retained his job in the psychology dep’t — quite paradoxically, since this woman tears him apart for the whole world to see — but he did lose his unmerited job as “master” of Silliman college and was forced to take a substantial pay-cut; while his racist, stupid and unqualified wife was terminated altogether.
The question is: why was she hired in the first place? In European universities, it is illegal to hire someone as well as their partner — that only creates a conflict of interests and exacerbates social injustice.
BLM can definitely speak up for themselves, and compared to this amazingly powerful event, what is it for them to send “a” letter to “a” dean?
If someone is a violent and disgruntled evicted tenant; if someone is a certified, white-trash felon with a criminal record — which is available to everyone, on every background-check online platform — he’s bound to disrespect people of color, and they will certainly complain about him wherever he goes. What’s the company, private or public, that doesn’t have people of color and BLM members today? There’s no corporation or institution that can stay in business without promoting diversity.
And to believe that BLM can’t write or speak up for themselves is very unrealistic and extremely disrespectful for BLM.
Excellent job, BLM!
As a non-binary person of color from Western Africa, with African DNA, I totally support BLM.
Transcript of BLM v. Nicholas Kristachis
BLM) You don’t need to bend down to me.
K) I’m not bending. What’s your name?
BLM) I do not want to shake your hand… I do not respect you.
K) I hear that.
BLM) I’m looking [inaudible] in your face, and I’m disgusted. I am sick. And I am sick watching them argue with you. We’ve been standing outside, literally, for 5-6 hours. Between you and Halloway, between last night and now, we’ve been arguing with people who are not willing to listen to us for a long time. And all I see from you is arrogance. And ego. I am sick, looking at you. I am disgusted, watching them argue with you. You are not listening. You are disgusting.
[There’s a long pause, in which Kristachis nods, yes-yes, like a complete moron.]
BLM) I don’t think you understand that. And before I wasn’t angry per se [sic], I was disappointed, maybe. Maybe there was room for an apology, but you clearly told us that you would not offer an apology for your words. You left the meeting last night to go home and – do NOT interrupt me – to tweet from your Twitter, and then the Silliman’s Twitter. You showed no remorse. You tried to let your wife leave the conversation without answering for herself – that is disgusting, that is sick. And I wasn’t angry before, I wasn’t angry, but now I’m actually angry.
Do NOT interrupt me.
And now I want your job to be taken from you.
I don’t want you to have this job.
I am disgusted knowing that you work at Yale University where I will get my degree. Where I look back and think, I have to argue with you.
[Then Kristachis does something out of camera, probably he bows down with a condescending gesture, as it is later explained.]
BLM) Don’t – sir, sir, sir – don’t do it, do NOT do it, sir, this is not the day. You do NOT want to play this game with me, you know what I’m saying? You do NOT play this game with me, understand that.
[Kristachis nods, yes-yes, after having been disciplined, with his arms crossed on his chest.]
BLM) Look at me in my face, first of all, and understand that you are such a disappointment to this university, to your students, to yourself, to the things you claim to agree with. You want free dialogue? You want free speech? This is how it works. Someone speaks, you listen – you do not cut them off, you do not do these condescending gestures, you do not smirk. You look them in the face, and you wait. You wait until it is your turn. It was NOT your turn when your wife sent out that email. It was not your turn.
It was OUR turn to send out an email to students telling them NOT to appropriate our cultures or denigrate us. [Telling them] To respect us.
It was NOT your turn.
It has NEVER been your FUCKING turn for a long time.
You had your turn, you had an opportunity to apologize to these people – you had it, and I’m sickened that they’re still waiting – you’re not gonna give it to them. It’s clear. And I’m not waiting. I’m going to leave. I’m gonna get my money. I’m gonna do my work. [inaudible] I’m gonna live my life, knowing that you are the disgusting man you were 20 seconds ago… And I want you to understand that I am done. I am done, personally. They should be done, and I really hope y’all go home and leave this man alone in this courtyard…
*** *** *** ANTIVIRUS 4.0 *** *** ***
Africans are perfectly FREE to use intellectual irony & satire to tell the truth about the crimes committed by stupid, white-trash racists.
I’m from Western Africa, with African DNA and, as a victim of racially-motivated rape and sex trafficking, I know that using irony & satire against sex offenders: 1) helps other innocent victims, who can recognize the same criminal patterns and avoid those dangerous sex offfenders; 2) helps the affected victims, who can find closure in telling the truth; 3) helps society understand the dangers of sexual violence against people of color, women and LGBTQIA+
We must put an end to rape & sex trafficking, and it all starts by telling the truth.
EROC, End Rape On Campus
Advanced graduate class on “Irony & Satire, Humanities 658”
The following is an example of intellectual irony & satire, on different levels, as explained below.
This is a perfect example of irony and satire. One of the white-trash individuals who raped me was, in the end, found out and denounced by his wife, Yu-Lin Wang, who of course proceeded to divorce him and take everything. After that, his main priority was to cover his ass and do some “damage control.”
And in order to do so, Saussy stole my identity, maliciously slandered me and projected on me all his crimes, always taking advantage of the fact that I’m an African immigrant with African DNA.
To cover his ass and get away with murder, Saussy maliciously slandered and defamed me, claiming for instance that I was “too ugly to be raped.” That’s both ridiculously false and a pathetic projection, as can be gleaned by all the pix included here. Hence, this is the first level of irony and satire: rape is a pathological abuse of power, where deranged criminals want to destroy other human beings they see as “inferiors” — like women and children, people of color and LGBTQIA+ — and it has nothing to do with physical appearances.
As a second layer of irony and satire, I included many of my personal pix in “My Academic Resume,” which show that I’ve always been athletic and good-looking, and that reality is very different from Saussy’s malicious slander and defamation of character.
And the third layer of irony and satire has to do with the fact that the crazy, ugly hag shown in the picture above is Saussy’s current partner, Miss Olga Solovieva, also known as Stupidieva: an ignorant, white-trash Karen from Russia, who’s only too happy to look the other way while Saussy abuses and molests other students and scholars of color.
So, look who’s talking! These are dangerous white-trash racists, who want to abuse people of color!
Comparative Literatures:
Lord God!
According to Aristotle, the greatest form of genius is recognizing similarities between different entities…
This is the end of Saussy’s malicious slander against LGBTQIA+ people of color from Western Africa.
And speaking of BLM v. Saussy, let’s have a look at his father’s KKK conspiracy theory in support of James Earl Ray, the convicted murderer of MLK, cf. Tupper Saussy’s Tennessee Waltz: The Making of a Political Prisoner (1987). Tupper Saussy (1936-2007) wrote Ray’s biography, and he was one of the most zealous affiliates of the Klan.
Public records at the New Haven Superior Court show that, in order to make money with his father’s book sales, Saussy Junior set up a cover-up company called “Contrary Waltz, LLC.” And for all these years, he’s been making money with the Klan’s racist ideology, and is still profiting from the sales of his father’s crazy KKK conspiracies.
The point of hiding his name behind an anonymous company was to keep his unmerited job first in the comparative literature dep’t at Yale, and later at the University of Chicago.
Eventually, Saussy was fired from Yale, but not because of his deplorable and scandalous connection to the KKK, which should have prevented him from getting ANY job ANY where in academia.
In fact, Saussy had to relocate because it was discovered that he was having an extramarital affair with a Russian woman, whom he had previously hired as a “grad student’ in order to give her free fellowship money, and whose garbage dissertation on the “Body of Christ” Saussy had “supervised’ — or perhaps written and plagiarized? — in order to promote her and give her an academic job at the expenses of everyone else, with many illegal conflicts of interests, of course.
Miss Olga Solovieva, aka Miss Stupidieva, is the less-than-good-looking individual (not the dog) portrayed above.
Those two dangerous racists are still in close contact with students and scholars at Chicago, creating situations of abuse, violence and social injustice.
And this is all public record at the New Haven Superior Court, Docket # FA-07-4027957S, see official documents in the Antivirus 3.0 below.
After having been a victim of rape and sex trafficking at Yale, they offered me many perks to keep silent, but it was all contingent on a non-disparagement contract that I rejected, after discussing it with my husband. Of course, I have it digitalized, it’s Internet-ready, and it looks even worse in the age of BLM.
These artistic pix were taken by my husband in October-November 2023.
My husband is an international scholar, a tenured university professor of the Classics and a published author, whose scholarly publications are so popular that they’re on sale on Amazon. In truth, most ‘academicians’ can’t even sell 40 copies to university libraries, let alone Amazon…
I’m very proud of my racial diversity and LGBTQIA+ tattoos.
This is an original pic without any filter, taken for Halloween 2023.
I love my expensive LGBTQIA + tattoos, and I work part-time for an international modeling agency that specializes on tattoos & artistic ink, see my article on African Pride & Modeling:
I’m originally from Western Africa, with African DNA, but having good genes doesn’t exonerate ppl from following a good diet & workout routine 🙂
This is my home gym on expensive blue cement, creating what looks like a magical lake.
My equipment includes a Peloton bike, Sole Treadmill, Swedish ELEIKO weights, and of course the LGBTQIA+ and BLM flags.
African DNA, European education, Global Citizenship, American real estate, Satire & Critique:
My Academic Resume w/ Prof. George Lakoff’s recommendation to Yale for his Metaphor Class at U.C. Berkeley:
My Academic Resume w/ George Lakoff’s Recommendation to Yale for his Metaphor Class at U.C. Berkeley
To do some damage control and cover his white-trash ass, Saussy stole my identity and projected on me not only his own crimes, but also the crimes of his racist father, Tupper Saussy: an affiliate of the KKK, convicted felon and prison inmate, and personal friend and biographer of the same James Earl Ray who murdered Civil Rights Leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
No less than the murderer of MLK!
The imbalance of power between an African, non-binary student on an immigrant VISA and a local scammer posing as a professor – in fact, nothing but a racist and homophobic sex-offender who’s 16 years older than his victims – is simply unimaginable.
The “Stanford buddies” used to steal the passports of foreign students – including my E.U. passport – and they would use them to blackmail and force students to take OBGYN visits at a Planned Parenthood location, in order to check if they were free of STDs and if their genitals were shaped like a “Fleshlight,” a “masturbatory device” invented in the 1990s: https://www.fleshlight.com/
And to conceal their violent crimes and get away with murder, the sex offenders engaged in even more crimes, such as:
Racism and racist hate crimes; discrimination against protected categories like race, gender, national origin and disability, cf. Americans with Disabilities Act and Civil Rights Act; defamation of character with malicious slander and libel; email fraud; academic and financial fraud; forgery; financial retaliation; blackmail with an illegal attempt at making me sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in exchange for approving my original dissertation, which in the end I copyrighted at the U.S. Library of Congress.
Many of these violent crimes could have been completely avoided if Richard Levin and Jane Levin at Yale had been transparent about Saussy’s affiliation with the KKK and his illegal conflict of interests with a Russian “grad student” called Olga Solovieva: a middle-aged individual who was in fact one of his mistresses, and whose “career” he promoted above that of anyone else, also financing it with dozens of fake recommendation letters in order to steal unmerited fellowships from many different universities. What a scam!
But there was absolutely NO transparency and NO disclosure from Richard and Jane Levin — only a pathetic attempt to conceal their own racist crimes over the years. In fact, even now, Richard and Jane Levin have offered NO reparation for these racist crimes, and they are still pathetically trying to conceal Saussy’s illegal conflict of interests and his factual and objective affiliation with the Klan.
A hockey player, with Richard and Jane Levin:
“Are you really married with this thing here?”
Indeed, let’s talk about something objective, Miss Levin: Saussy’s father, Tupper Saussy (07/03/1936 – 03/16/2007), was a convicted felon and prison inmate, a conspiracy theorist diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, and the personal friend and biographer of the same James Earl Ray who murdered Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Indeed, Tupper Saussy wrote Ray’s biography, Tennessee Waltz: The Making of a Political Prisoner (1987), and was one of the most zealous affiliates of the Klan.
Public records at the New Haven Superior Court show that, in order to make money with his father’s book sales, Saussy set up a cover-up limited liability company called “Contrary Waltz, LLC.” And to this day, he’s still making money with the Klan’s racist ideology, and still profiting from the sales of Tupper Saussy’s crazy KKK conspiracies.
Saussy’s connection with the KKK is a deplorable and disgusting objective fact. Saussy’s still making money with his father’s KKK theories, so if there’s anyone who should pay Reparations to African Americans, that’s precisely white trash like Saussy – racist, ignorant, stupid and bigoted.
The “Jane Austen Society” of Miss Levin — a big academic and financial fraud.
Miss Levin is a multi-million dollar scam, both academically and financially — she’s nothing but an ignorant, white-trash Karen with a nonsensical and autobiographical dissertation on “Marriages in Jane Austen,” which was complete garbage, and nothing but a projection of her wasted life.
But that gave her a pretext to steal millions of dollars in students’ tuition fees and taxpayers’ money, meddling in academic fields about which she knows absolutely nothing — not only in much more complex forms of literature like Shakespeare and James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, but even in global politics and the world economy! What the fuck does Miss Levin know about ANYTHING AT ALL with a worthless and irrelevant dissertation on Jane Austen?
But Miss Levin certainly knows about RACISM: the numbers prove, as another objective fact, that she has never produced one single African scholar in her entire, worthless “career” at Yale, courtesy of her white-trash husband.
“Sometimes making a critical comment in class… can entail thinking twice”???
You can’t even write, you worthless piece of shit.
The correct verb is TO REQUIRE, and that’s a double mistake, both at the level of meaning and of logic – or lack thereof, in your pathetic case.
Who’s this piece of shit?
Akbar Shit Ahmed
Before slandering non-binary people of color, first make sure you even know how to use a toilet, you dirty son of a bitch.
You’re racist, sexist, and have very troubling anti-social tendencies, Ahmed — you definitely need some antipsychotic drugs like Tupper Saussy: the convicted felon, KKK member, conspiracy theorist and biographer of James Ear Ray, cf. Tennessee Waltz: The Making of a Political Prisoner (1987), marketed by his son’s cover-up company, “Contrary Waltz, LLC.”
So much money was wasted on that stupid piece of shit, which could have been allocated for African Americans!
But that’s what happens when people are NOT selected based on merit and/or race, but solely based on corruption and connections with someone inside Yale. Like this ignorant piece of shit, Ahmed, whose aunt (yes, his old aunt!) was acquainted with the late Sara Suleri Goodyear in the English dep’t. As a result, he was illegally admitted at the expenses of other African Americans who had all the credentials, and the merit, to deserve that opportunity.
Talk about racism and social injustice!
But slander didn’t pay very well…
How’s life back in Pakistan – can you find a decent toilet?
Do you know how to use toilet paper?
And how are your parents doing? Do they have toilet paper? Are they proud of your dirty ass?
The “Jane Austen Society” is one of the main academic and financial fraud of Jane Levin.
40 years ago, Miss Levin got into academia through the backdoor with a worthless and unpublishable dissertation about “Marriages in Jane Austen.”
And thanks to her white-trash husband who gave her a job at Yale, she’s been stealing millions of dollars since, vomiting nonsense about any other topic, from Homer to world economy, taking resources and money away from African Americans and other people of color.
Talk about systemic racism and social injustice!
There’s a big problem with PUBLIC DEFECATION in Pakistan, cf. video documentary below.
Moreover, Pakistan is a failed state sponsor of terrorism, and there is NO SEPARATION OF POWERS between politics and violent religious ideologies, according to which 8 y/o children can be raped and given up for a polygamous “marriage” with an old pervert, exploited for slave labor, denied education and civil rights, and kept in perpetual ignorance and poverty — all in the name of “god,” yeah right.
Talk about bigotry! Who’s a bigot, you ignorant piece of crap!
And FYI, meaning here “For Your Ignorance,” the separation of powers was theorized and implemented centuries ago in many other countries around the world.
Not surprisingly, Pakistan is now a rogue state plagued by systemic poverty, ignorance, bigotry, racism and sexism, and battling against basic problems that were solved many centuries ago, in many other parts of the globe.
The Pantheon, Rome
The Roman Empire lasted for one thousand years and laid the foundations for the legal code, especially for DUE PROCESS, as it is practiced in every democratic country where people are innocent until proven guilty. They also created Roman roads that are still transitable like Via Emilia, majestic architecture, aqueducts and plumbing, public baths, and public sanitation as the precondition for a flourishing metropolis like Rome.
And the Romans were not white caucasians, which is another reason to admire their unparalleled achievements — especially when all other white-trash empires have already crumbled down, with their white-trash, fake puritan ideologies that were used to put a veneer of “Christian self-righteousness” on the extermination and enslavement of millions of people of color.
Augustus of Prima Porta – Monumental statue of Caesar Augustus, Rome.
Ahmed is so fucking ignorant that I have to write captions for these famous pix, otherwise he’ll never even understand what they mean.
Where was Pakistan 2500 years ago?
More or less where it is now.
PAKISTAN: Toilet woes
What a great culture – they don’t even have toilets!
Quoting from the documentary:
“Poor law and order situation…”
“There is no water and no electricity.”
“But the local government denies incompetence…”
“For now, the toilet project remains on paper.”
“Many have to respond to the call of nature by heading to the bushes.”
“They have to relieve themselves in the open behind a bush.”
Ribbonry, of course — an essential academic field.
Now that Ahmed is “universally and objectively” unemployed,
Miss Levin should give him a job as a secretary at the “Jane Austen Society” — a bunch of ignorant, stupid Karens:
They put on a ridiculous costume…
They get drunk at the bar…
And they pretend to be “intellectuals,” yeah right! :)))
And who the fuck is John Rogers?
Good question!
Nobody knows.
Ignorant, white-trash puritans in the U.S. are always waiting for the end of the world — that’s the scam they came up with to steal money from the ignorant masses.
Enough with this Tupper-Saussy-like conspiracy theory about the end of the world!
They should invent a different scam — a different fake ideology — if they want to keep stealing money :)))
You can’t do the classics because you’re ignorant;
you can’t do the bible because “god” is just a narrative;
you can’t do deconstruction because it has imploded,
revealing that it was just the white-trash cult of personality of the so-called critic;
you can’t do critical race theory precisely because you’re stupid white trash…
So, what the fuck are you doing?
He doesn’t even know.
Please, BLM students, don’t get him fired or he won’t be able to pay off his mortgage! :)))
Are these scammers still preaching their white-trash, fake puritan ideologies that were used to justify the extermination and enslavement of “Voodoo Niggers” like myself?
Or are they hiding under a rock like snails, for fear of BLM?
Trying to repackage the old, racist shit in a new wrap to keep stealing money — but it won’t work.
Please, do me a favor: get lost and disappear forever.
I don’t even want to see your white-trash, ugly faces ever again, thanks!
John Rogers is a white-trash, racist parasite who has never produced one single African scholar in his entire, irrelevant “career.”
He knows perfectly well that Miss Jane Levin — with her “Jane Austen Society” — is a multi-million dollar financial fraud,
and yet he’s been sucking her cunt for decades, trying to pay off his mortgage.
Good luck with that!
This is the end of his racist and homophobic slander against a non-binary “Nigger” like myself.
The Real Housewives of Jane Austen.
All the facts about Saussy are documented in public records available at the New Haven Superior Court, Docket # FA-07-4027957S.
After the scandal caused by Yu-Lin Wang’s divorce, Richard and Jane Levin tried to do some “damage control” by firing and getting rid of Saussy and Olga Solovieva. And after being fired, they relocated to the University of Chicago, where he’s still her “supervisor” in the same dep’t of comparative literature with numerous conflicts of interests, of course, both academically and financially.
Another customer of Miss Solovieva’s.
Miss Olga Solovieva from Russia is both a scammer and a self-proclaimed “expert in theology,” with a dissertation on the “Body of Christ” that was supervised, approved and passed by her 63-year-old boyfriend, Saussy. The two white-trash plagiarists are still working together at the University of Chicago, with an illegal conflict of interests that deprives so many women academicians of color of their opportunity, money and work.
And what’s even worse, the two are still in close contact with diverse students and scholars, creating situations of great danger and abuse, especially for diverse students and scholars: LGBTQIA+ and Africans like myself, women and other people of color. It is therefore essential to warn other innocent students and their families – especially Africans, the ethnically and culturally diverse, foreign students and scholars on a VISA, women and the LGBTQIA+ community – against this type of racially-motivated, violent crimes in U.S. colleges and universities.
A rare picture of Ms. Yu-Lin Wang (b. 1959) back in the 1990s.
Saussy and Solovieva got fired, but this partial act of justice did not come from Yale’s corrupt administrators, Richard and Jane Levin, who actually tried to minimize or even deny Saussy’s racist crimes for fear of losing money and academic standing.
No, this partial act of justice actually came from the self-interest of Saussy’s smart ex-wife, Ms. Yu-Lin Wang, as soon as she realized that he was cheating on her, and sexually abusing students and scholars of color like myself.
Saussy also had an affair — and an illegal conflict of interests — with a mature Russian “grad student” called Olga Solovieva (b. 1971), a white-trash Karen who was his “dissertation advisee.” In order to get his stupid girlfriend promoted, and make money with her additional salary after his financially devastating divorce, he wanted to “supervise” — or perhaps plagiarize — her ridiculous dissertation on “The Body of Christ.”
Now, what a paradoxical topic for a couple of stupid cheats!
And what the heck does Saussy know about Christian theology?
Here’s Olga Solovieva admitting the truth:
Why advertising your rotten teeth???
Too much Russian vodka, perhaps, Miss Olga Boozava?
Well, according to your retarded friend, Ahmed:
“Sometimes posting pix of your rotten teeth can entail thinking twice.”
Thanks to Ms. Yu-LIn Wang, both Saussy and Solovieva were fired and kicked out of Yale.
Then, it took Saussy 13 more years to rework that crazy and nonsensical rant about the “Body of Christ.”
13 years stealing money and work opportunities away from Africans and other students and scholars of color. Now, Saussy is still “supervising” Miss Stupidieva in the same dep’t of comparative literature at the University of Chicago, with an illegal conflict of interests.
What a massive academic fraud & financial scam!
All international students and scholars should be very careful, since bigoted and white-trash racists like Saussy are often hidden in pseudo-liberal universities, promoting their own stupid mistresses to the detriment of much better candidates — and of course the main victims are always Africans and other people of color.
But that’s not all — Saussy also slandered my relatives and family members calling them “Niggers” and claiming I should lose my job at Yale because “[my] relatives are all Niggers.”
That’s not just ILLEGAL and DEPLORABLE,
but also extremely paradoxical considering that Saussy’s deceased father, Tupper Saussy, was a convicted felon and jail inmate, a KKK member, and an intimate friend and biographer of the same J.E. Ray who murdered Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!
And on top of that — as if that racist family background were not enough — Saussy’s brothers, Phil and Larry, are kitchen workers!
Phil (first on the left) and Larry (first on the right), see picture below.
Look who’s slandering and accusing others!
These hypocrites should STOP projecting their own failures and mistakes on other people.
This is THEIR fucked-up, racist and ignorant background — NOT anyone else’s.
Never throw stones if you live in a glass house, because the victims will always tell the truth.
Saussy v. Saussy
Connecticut Superior Court Judicial District of New Haven at New Haven
May 29, 2009
2009 Ct. Sup. 8912 (Conn. Super. Ct. 2009)
Memorandum of Decision
Public court documents available at the New Haven Superior Court.
“The court finds that the husband’s claim that the breakdown of the marriage was due to his wife’s lack of support is not supported by the credible evidence.
This court finds the husband to be at greater fault for the breakdown of the marriage, as evidenced by HIS MENTAL STATE
and by [his] extramarital relationship with another woman.”
(Memorandum of Decision, Further Findings and Orders, p.20)
FYI, it’s quite rare for a judge to mention someone’s “mental state” as one of the main reasons to assign victory to the other party — that means it must have been really bad.
“The husband [Saussy] claims the breakdown of the marriage was caused by the wife’s lack of support in his professional life. He also claims that the wife [Wang] refused to join him at professional events, that she accused him of being selfish and self-indulgent, and that she put herself between him and the children.”
“He further claims that her lack of support for his career moves resulted in his suffering from SUICIDAL THOUGHTS and DEPRESSION, cf. Note 6.”
“Note 6. Husband testified that in 2001 he had one year leave from Stanford (to write a book) and that he was so conflicted over whether or not to accept the position at Yale that he spent most of the year lying on the floor of [his] office being OBSESSED WITH THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE.”
(Testimony 12/15/08, p.119)
“Mr. Farmer, a longtime friend of the husband, testified that husband had confided in him [sic] that he was unhappy with the marriage for a long period of time.”
“In 2001, the husband was TREATED BY A PSYCHIATRIST and was prescribed medications for DEPRESSION.”
“The wife claims, for the most part, that the parties had a happy marriage and shared a common interest in Chinese literature and family life, and that she always put her husband’s needs first.”
“She testified that she had witnessed EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY on the part of her husband throughout the marriage,
but she tried to support him in his work and was proud of how successful he had become as a scholar in ancient Chinese literature, cf. Note 7.”
“Note 7. The wife described her husband as VERY INSECURE and ‘SOCIALLY KIND OF WEIRD'”
“She stated that while husband enjoys social events, HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO BEHAVE and that his ‘MOOD [IS] ALWAYS UP AND DOWN VERY MUCH.”
(Testimony 1/6/09)
“The wife also described certain TROUBLING CONDUCT by the husband during the course of the marriage,
“Her claims regarding husband’s personality were CORROBORATED by husband’s aunt, Eugenia Commack, cf. Note 8.”
“Note 8. Ms. Commack described the husband as having been a very bright but VERY TROUBLED CHILD who was UNABLE TO SOCIALLY INTERACT.”
“Her testimony described the wife as a supportive and loving spouse.”
“The wife claims she became aware of the magnitude of the problems in their marriage in the summer of 2007, after the daughter accessed her husband’s computer and discovered emails between her husband and another woman, cf. Note 9.”
“Note 9. The court accepts as credible the testimony of the wife, that in the summer of 2007, the daughter accessed the husband’s computer for her personal use and found the husband’s personal communications with [Olga Solovieva], evidencing the extramarital relationship, and that the daughter then shared this information with her mother.”
(Testimony 1/5/09, p.136)
“The testimony of the parties reveal a marriage wherein the husband controlled virtually every aspect of familial life. The husband brought his wife to the U.S. knowing that she was not fluent in the English language and he determined the family was to speak only Chinese in the home. He further determined that there would be no television in the home. The wife was often uncomfortable in academic and/or social settings because she did not become fluent in English and it is apparent that the husband BLAMES THE WIFE FOR HER DISCOMFORT…”
(Memorandum of Decision, pp.5-6)
PAY ATTENTION TO THE PATTERN OF BLAMING THE VICTIM: first he creates a terrible problem — like depriving people of their freedom of expression, freedom of association and right to work in the United States — and then he blames his victim for that! That’s exactly what he tried to do against me, as an African and non-binary victim of rape.
And banging his head against the wall?
Since Saussy “doesn’t know how to behave,” he should never have been allowed to be in contact with much younger students and scholars of color — they are at risk of being abused!
“His mood is always up and down very much” — that’s the definition of manic depression.
Therefore, don’t slander other innocent people by projecting on them your own problems!
Where’s Miss Bunis now?
Miss Bunis, B.A. – shown here in this bizarre and cringe-worthy picture – aided and abetted for racist sex offenders at Yale by maliciously defaming their African and non-binary victim.
But it didn’t work.
Now, this white-trash Karen is her mid-thirties and can’t even make ends meet without her daddy, who keeps paying and paying for nothing.
So much for so little!
“Progressive ideals are based on empathy.”
“Empathy with all leads to equality: nobody should be treated worse than anyone else,” cf. George Lakoff.
To: Jon Butler, Dean, Yale Graduate School […]
you are hereby commanded to appear for a legally noticed deposition at the law offices of Engleman, Noyes & Rubin, LLP… on December 11, 2007 at 9:00 am…
AND YOU ARE FURTHER COMMANDED to bring and have with you at said time and place the following records:
1. The complete personnel file for [Saussy];
2. The complete graduate student transcript and file for [Olga Solovieva];
3. All complaints and/or investigations of [Saussy’s] relationship’s with a student, including, but not limited to, [Olga Solovieva].”
(Subpoena Duces Tecum, issued 10/23/2007).
The evidence proves that “administrators” at Yale knew everything about this massive financial scam, have never been transparent about it — as it is required by law — and instead tried to cover it up.
And in so doing, they didn’t care about Africans, LGBTQIA+ and other diverse students and scholars who were victims of Saussy and Solovieva.
“The defendant [Ms. Yu-Lin Wang] moves that the court compel the plaintiff’s compliance with request for production of
all ACADEMIC and other RECOMMENDATIONS written or emailed at any time for [Olga Solovieva]
or any other person with whom [Saussy] had an extra-marital affair, dating or sexual relationship other than [his] wife,
from the date of marriage to the present time, dated October 23, 2007.”
(Motion to Compel, issued 04/16/2008)
That illegal conflict of interests went unpunished, thus becoming a multi-million dollar academic and financial fraud.
“…the plaintiff, Chairman of the Department of Comparative Literature at Yale University,
has admitted under oath to having an adulterous affair with [Olga Solovieva],
a graduate student in the department of comparative literature,
who [sic] he advised on her doctoral dissertation.”
(Motion to Compel Compliance with Subpoena Duces Tecum, Pendente Lite, issued 04/04/2008)
That’s an illegal conflict of interests that creates a toxic work environment — especially for LGBTQIA+ students and scholars, Africans and other people of color — and there was absolutely NO transparency and NO disclosure about it from Richard and Jane Levin, as it is required by law. But what do they care about the law, right?
“The defendant has testified in deposition on 12/11/07 that he had an adulterous affair with said woman during the marriage,
and that he intentionally deleted emails to and from said woman in August 2007,
immediately prior to commencing this divorce action,
and that since that time he has failed to save emails.
He testified that these activities occurred on his office laptop computer and his personal laptop computer.”
“The hard drives from the computers will be examined by professionals at Enterprise Computers Co.,
specifically to retrieve and print out only emails to and from [Olga Solovieva].”
These public court documents show an illegal exchange of emails between the “chairman” of “comparative literature” — no less! :))) — and his mature Russian mistress, who just so happens to be his “dissertation advisee” as well.
That illegal conflict of interests went unpunished, thus becoming a multi-million dollar academic and financial fraud, whose victims are above all LGBTQIA+, Africans and other students and scholars of color.
Where’s Ed Barnaby now?
That racist, white-trash thief was fired immediately after he slandered an African and non-binary victim of rape at Yale,
and had to relocate in Virginia in a hurry, living from paycheck to paycheck.
Crime doesn’t pay, especially if you’re fucking stupid and retarded like these two morons.
All white-trash thieves go to jail — send us a pic when you get there, you drunktards!
Email Saussy to Olga 3/7/02
Email Olga to Saussy 3/7/02
Defendant Wife’s Revised Exhibit List, issued 12/12/2008
These are recovered emails dating back to 2002,
which was exactly 2 years before Saussy started at Yale, in 2004.
And how about all the “unrecovered” emails in prior years?
Did Saussy perhaps help Olga Solovieva get accepted at Yale on a 6-year fellowship
by writing one of those fake “academic recommendations” quoted above?
Did he help her obtain other fellowships and academic jobs at other universities?
Did he help her “rewrite” her nonsensical dissertation on the “Body of Christ” — how objective is that, exactly? — and get a publishing contract for that garbage?
Has he ever plagiarized other essays and papers for her, since they are in the same “comparative literature” department?
These are all very good questions.